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Week 9 Updates


Happy Thanksgiving! Final project demo is quickly approaching. Our team has made a lot of progress - still a lot to do.

Our four main prototypes (Wand, Windmill, Candle and bottles) are working well, just need to polish them up and fine tune them a little more. We have also made good progress on the researcher UI and data collection system.

Data collection happens in two parts. Hard data including positioning and breath intensity is recorded on a frame-by-frame basis and saved to a CSV file. User questionnaires are presented at the end of each prototype. Source questions for this are in a separate XML file that can be changed without having to rebuild the application. Responses are stored in a plain text file.


Our punch-list for the week:

  • Researcher UI - finalize individual prototype’s control panel (i.e. Windmill, Bottles, etc.) and add damper to Anemometer panel (help when needing to simulate lower intensity breath - right now the simulator operates at full breath)

  • Mount detector on headset.

  • Finish instruction panel that it shown to the subject when teleported to a prototype (e.g. Blow on Candle, Grab Wand & Blow)

  • Add some interesting effects to Windmill like smoke and explosions

  • Add flicker to candle, switch to red candle from brown one and add reduction of light and flame size as breath changes intensity (i.e. real candle action).

  • Finish survey UI canvas as outlined above

In addition to the application work we need to finalize our trailer and demo videos, the design specification document, and need to perform a little clean-up of group website.

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